Stylized Nudi

Just a bit of playing around with old photos and photoshop. Stylized block print of a skirted nudibranch taken while diving Pemuteran.

Fun Fact – Nudibranchs are hermaphrodites

They have the reproductive organs of both sexes. They can mate with any other adult that happens to pass by—doubles their chances of ‘getting lucky.’ The male and female sexual openings are on the right sides of their bodies.

Nudis necking

Can I buy you a drink?


4 Nudibranchs mating

A group of Mexichromis hooking up

Nudibranch Notebook of Northwest Bali-March 2017

Pink & Yellow Nudi sitting on top of a sponge

Hypselodoris-bullockii from Menjangan

Orange polka-dotted nudi Pemuteran

Halgerda-batangas from Temple Wall

4-colored nudi from Menjangan

Chromodoris-quadricolor from Menjangan

Flabellina from Temple Wall Pemuteran

Flabellina from Temple Wall

Flabellina in the muck at Midway

Flabellina from Midway


The retired resident photo wench is obsessed with nudibranchs–here are some favorites from the dives made in March.

New Camera, New Macro Lens, New Critter Pics

New camera at Sea Rovers means new pics and some new critters (especially like the Ambon Scorpionfish, which needs to be renamed the Pemuteran Scorpionfish).

Thanks to the SubSea macro lens I can get closer to me little friends. Look for more on Facebook where you can find out what the Brethren are up to.

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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