Nicola Symberlist, Fish-eyed wonders

Been a while since Nicola and her family were here and I have to say that I have been a bad, bad Pirate. I completely forgot to post these fish-eyed wonders.

Can you ever forgive me Nicola? I shall go fall off a boat right now as punishment for my crimes 🙂
Majestic he glides along unflustered by everyday woes :-)
Captain Me drifting along the wall at Menjangan Island
Ok, one of these buttons must do what I want....
Captain Paul again obviously trying to figure out the settings on me camera
Aha! Got it!
Ok figured it out. Lets get a nice wide angle of the wall.
Look a Coral Bommie!
One of our Favourite sites these days, The Coral Bommie, with the Biowreck and Bioboomer structures next to it. Diving here helps to support the Reef Gardeners.
Heads down, fins up lets not damage the coral.
Top of the Coral Bommie, tons of colour, teaming with life. What more do you want from a dive?
Thanks Nicola for all the pretty pictures.
The Captain

Underwater Temples makes it difficult to light incense

Om Swasti Astu, as we say here in Bali.

Back when the world was younger, the ancient Sea Gods of Bali decreed that a temple should be erected in their honour at 30mtr depth (yes, even the Gods went metric). An thus it was Temple Garden was made for them all to play in.

Lighting incense is a bit of a bugger though so bring a torch instead.

Beware all who enter
Lost city of Pemuteran?

diver gate
Ancient pose for happy divers….

Check out Ganesha, watch your depth
Diver checks watch to see what century she’s in.

sponge bud square block
ZOMBIE BUDDA!… Swim away, swim away…..

Deeply Deco Spirits.

Turtle, heads
Petrified sweetlipped turtle.

Tranquility of the dive
And finally a communion of spirits.

The facts:

Sank in 2005 as part of the still ongoing Reef Gardeners project. This little dive has become an interesting change from the reefs of Pemuteran. The often hazy vis creates a wonderfully spooky atmosphere.

Home to nudis and Electric clams, Temple Wall (or Pura Tembok) above also offers a lot of , well stuff to look at.

Personally I prefer the ancient gods story 😉

Om Santi Santi Om.
The Captain

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