by Kat Ramage | Aug 8, 2017 | Kat Ramage Photos, Mucky Pirates Bay
During a recent dive in Mucky Pirates Bay, I came across an upside-down jellyfish lying in the sand. I wasn’t sure whether it was alive or dead, so I gently prodded it with my muck stick. Imagine my surprise when it started running across the sand! What I didn’t realize was that there was a decorator crab underneath who had adorned this jellyfish like a hat to protect itself from predators. I found another one on a subsequent dive, so this must be fairly common. It’s clear what benefit the crab gets from this relationship…not sure if the jellyfish is too happy about the arrangement.Save
by Capt Paul | Jan 7, 2011 | The Brethrens Photos
David & Lynne were out at Menjangan Island over the New Year and caught these great shots one the way

Beautiful drifting nasty jellyfish.


Flippers Mateys.

Garr! This be my Anenome matey.
David & Lynne are a couple of professional photographers based here in Bali. check out their website here.
Thanks for the pics guys, we’ll see if we can find some more interesting stuff for you to photo next time you’re up our way.
The Captain
by Capt Paul | Nov 20, 2009 | The Brethrens Photos, UW Photographers
Yet another photographically inclined member of our ever expanding Sea Rovers Brethren has left us some memories to post.

Decorator crabs are always weird things, but here in Sea Rovers own ‘Mucky Pirates Bay’ we do extra wierd. This, one of many, uses one of our resident upside down jellyfish as a cunning disguise.

Puffer Fish and friend

A friendly little Octopus on one of Dan’s night dives provided a nice pose.

This Octopus decided to stretch out and go for a wonder.

Lionfish gliding in amongst the corals, nice warm colours on this one.

Hermit crab with accompanying anenomes.

And finally looking from stern to bows, ‘Canyon Wreck’ shows us her Booty 🙂
Nice Photo’s Dan, look forward to seeing more on your next trip out.
The Captain