Sea Rovers @ Adex 2013

Pemuteran 'Om' Dive

Wall Hanging

Coming to an ADEX near you. from the 19th-21st of April will be this poster. Of course it will be accompanied by the Captain and some very attractive Pemuteran diving, Menjangan diving  and accommodation packages. Just for the show.

So hope to see you there.

The Captain

Going Solo (Diving that is :-)

Alone at last

Me, My Camera and I

The Captains going Solo. Who’s not with me?

Seriously though we’ll be offering the chance to break free from the shackles of buddydom. How many times have you been on a dive trip and been given a buddy who is more of a liability than a buddy? How many times have you taken your camera out and wished you didn’t have a buddy with you? Or been with a Photographer and had to hang around waiting for them to take the shot.

The SDI Solo Diving course is about learning to be independent as much as its about diving on your own. There are many situations where having a buddy along just doesn’t always work. What happens if you loose your buddy, are you prepared to take care of yourself? This is where the SDI Solo Diving course comes into its own (forgive the pun).

Lets face it at one point or another, you will be diving alone, whether you want to or not.

Those interested in learning more can Start Here where you can find more information and links to e-learning SDI Solo Diver theory.


New Camera, New Macro Lens, New Critter Pics

New camera at Sea Rovers means new pics and some new critters (especially like the Ambon Scorpionfish, which needs to be renamed the Pemuteran Scorpionfish).

Thanks to the SubSea macro lens I can get closer to me little friends. Look for more on Facebook where you can find out what the Brethren are up to.

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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