There’s a good moon on the rise

I see a good moon a rising
I see a night dive underway
I see divers checking torches
I see a flat calm tranquil bay

So lets go down tonight
There’s bound to be some sights
Down in Mucky Pirates Bay

I hear bubbles as they’re rising
I know the dive won’t be ending soon
I fear someones kicking sand up
I can see flashes burn like day

So lets go down tonight
There’s bound to be some sights
Down in Mucky Pirates Bay

I hope you got all your things together
I hope we dive another day
Looks like we’re in for more good weather
Looking through the cameras eye today

Oh lets go down tonight
There’s bound to be some sights
There’s a good moon on the rise
There’s a good moon on the rise

Walter Dives Mucky Pirates Bay at Night

Night dive, Mucky Pirates Bay, Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia

Panoramic view of Mucky Pirates Bay at sunset


Night dives at Mucky Pirates Bay with the Pirates of Sea Rovers are awesome! We often see frogfish, octopus, sometimes seahorses and other unique night time critters. When you book a dive package of 3 days or more, you will get a free night or shore dive.

Walter from Malaysia went out with dive guide Edi to shoot the creatures of the night here on our house reef. Hopefully Walter will send in some of his photos for us to share.

Dive guide Edi, Mucky Pirates Bay, night dive, Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia

Walter getting ready to put on his tank


Dive guide Edi, night dive, Mucky Pirates Bay, Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia

Edi defogging his mask as Walter waits excitedly to get in and start shooting







Night dive, Mucky Pirates Bay, Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia

Walter and camera are ready to shoot some critters

New Brethren Quintin & Marielle with the Pirates

Abdul, Ditta, Wayan, Sea Rovers, guests

Abdul, Marielle, Ditta, Wayan & Quintin are all smiles

Quintin and Marielle packed a lot of diving in a couple of days. They enjoyed the walls of Menjangan, the local reefs of Pemuteran and even fit in a night dive in Mucky Pirates Bay. Welcome to the Sea Rovers Brethren and hope to see you back here soon.

Mr Edi, Torch Master

dive torch use

“Stay back! I have a dive torch and i’m not afraid use it!”

Got a love for night diving? So do we and we have one of the best night dives around inย  ‘Mucky Pirates Bay’. Because its mucky, we’re Pirates and its a Bay ๐Ÿ™‚ Its also one of our favourite critter hunting spots.

So grab a camera, charge your torches and come diving. There be critters to find.

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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