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Can’t do much about the trash on Menjangan though other than complain to the National Park about cleaning it up some. Alls we can do is take our trash home and dispose of it properly.

“Magical diving…”
5 of 5 stars Reviewed 24 May 2012 NEW

Wayan was a super guide and with all of us being experienced divers, he pointed us in the right direction and followed along at a leisurely pace, pointing out everything that he could find – which was lots!
Snorkellers outnumber the divers so cannot speak for them – may have been irritating for them to wait for us but there were many opportunities for them to try different areas. For me it was all magical!
Night dive under the jetty is highly recommended – lots of fascinating things to see. The mooring ropes of the variety of seacraft parked above you WILL try and catch you – you have to laugh at yourself.

Menjangen Island is a bit of a dump – deceased underwear and lost flip-flop and rubbish everywhere. The long drop toilet was pretty bad and full of bees! That’s a first.

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Phoenix, AZ.
Experience: 501-1000 dives
Vis: 30 to 150 Feet. Water: to Fahrenheit, calm, currents.

Dive your own profile: yes
Any dive restrictions: During our shore diving, we had no limits or restrictions. Most of those dives were shallow and close to shore. On boat dives, our guides were cautious about watching our air consumption and depth, as were we.

This was our second trip to Sea Rovers and Adi Assri. As it is a bit off the beaten path in Bali, this should tell readers that it was well worth the gorgeous drive up north to stay and dive with Sea Rovers at Adi Assri in Pemuteran. The dive shop is right on the resort property with only a few, easy steps along the sand and into the sea. We were impressed with the entire region and its commitment to the environment. Since many of the local people come from a long line of fishermen, they have been educated in the importance of preserving the reefs in the area. They have clean up projects as well as a ‘reef gardeners’ (see more about them on the web site) project to inject new life into the reefs. With the island of Menjangan, and its ‘gin-clear’ waters nearby, a boat trip over there was made on both of our trips to Pemuteran. It was so beautiful to see such clarity, although there can be currents here. I am not good at estimating visibility but, for the dives at Menjangan, I’d have to say you could see ‘forever’. We also did several other boat dives, most notably to an underwater temple! That being said, I have to say that the highlight of our trip to Sea Rovers and Adi Assri was the shore diving. Although this is not Lembeh, my husband and I had a great week just treasure hunting in the ‘muck’ in front of the resort with NO current at all. Visibility here was not great but after every dive, we returned to the dive shop, wildly enthusiastic over some new critter we had found such as tons of pipefish, ornate pipefish, frogfish, snake eels, scorpionfish, crocodilefish and sassy anemone fish and damselfish for a start. If you’re not into muck diving, the shore diving could be skipped, I suppose. But WE LOVED IT! I especially loved being greeted by the friendly “Dita’ with a cup of hot ginger tea after every shore dive. The staff, led by ‘Pirate Paul’ was kind and helpful and loads of fun (see photos of all of us on their web site). They made suggestions to us of dive possibilities and allowed us to choose what we wanted, where we wanted to go. I have to say that I enjoyed every dive with this crew (and without them on our shore dives; of course, if you need some guidance, as we did on our first visit, they are there to help you and point out various odd critters). The resort is quiet and peaceful and a far cry from the action of Kuta or even Ubud. The seas in front of the resort were flat and welcoming. The rooms were so pretty and well cared for and the resort staff was helpful with all of our needs (internet, extra table, etc.). The whole atmosphere was great. This is an extremely relaxing and peaceful place with an aura that is difficult to describe. We did not feel the need to leave at all during our week here. I also received the BEST massage I’d ever had at Adi Assri and I’ve had quite a few in Bali. It was also deeply satisfying to find a place that was so dedicated to conservation and the environment. I dream about the tranquility and I long to return…..

UW Photography Comments: There was adequate rinse water on shore and it was easy to rinse camera equipment after a shore dive. The boats are small and fast do not have a rinse tank but most dives were close to the dive shop so we used their facilities, which were fine.

Thanks Jon & Linda, look forward to having you back here soon for more critter hunting. Garr!

The Captain

Hedi’s review

This nice review was sent to us by the daughter of Hedi. Time to test the google translate button.

Fuer uns “Weltenmeertaucher” war es der erste Besuch in Bali. Wir waehlten die Tauchbasis Seerovers auf Empfehlung von Freunden . Wir haben den Besuch dort nicht bereut und sind fuer die Empfehlung wirklich dankbar.

Was uns natuerlich gut gefiel war die an der Tauchbasis und am Strand direkt angrenzende neue Hotelanlage mit 2 Pools. Keine langen Wege, keine Hotelburg, sondern kleine Gebaeude mit schmuckem Zimmer , Freiluftdusche und Toilette, eingefuegt in einen zauberhaft angelegten Garten. Es gibt dort eine wirklich gute Kueche und der Preis absolut fair . Tip: Lasst Euch taeglich mit Saeften verwoehnen, die werden naemlich alle direkt aus frischem Obst zubereitet, sind koestlich und kosten wenig.

Die direkt am Strand liegende Tauchbasis ist klein aber sehr fein. Die Tauchlehrer und das gesamte Personal sind voller Freude bei der Arbeit. Alle sind locker drauf , und stecken Dich mit ihrer Froehlichkeit an.

Wir kamen an der Tauchbasis an nur mit Badehose und unserem Tauchausweis. Paul, Hauptmann der Seeraeuber, managede alles zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit und wir waren in kuerzester Zeit mit allem was wir brauchten und was wichtig war, ausgestattet.

Du musstest nur einige Meter ueber den Strand zum Boot laufen, Dein ganzes Equipment ist schon an Bord. Ich habe noch nie solch einen spitzen Service erlebt. Wir hatten das Vergnuegen mit Made Parma als Tauchbegleiter tauchen zu koennen. Die Tauchgebiete – teilweise direkt vor der “Haustuere” – absolut sehenswert . Lange und weite Bootsfahrten sind also nicht notwendig. Aber Ihr koennt ja die einzelnen Tauchgebiete bei Searovers nachlesen.

Nach dem Tauchgang und noch im Wasser und am Boot, werden Dir Dein Bleiguertel, dann die Weste und die Flossen abgenommen und verstaut. Du brauchst nichts zu machen. Also KEIN muehsames mit etwas Hilfe ins Boot klettern, sondern ein lockers Treppauf ins Boot. Toll

Nach Rueckkehr zur Tauchbasis wirst Du mit Kaffee oder Tee in lustiger Runde verwoehnt. Dein Tauchanzug, Dein Equipment werden gereinigt und verstaut. Auch da brauchst Du Dich um nichts zu kuemmern.

Also, alles zusammen sehr empfehlenswert. Ein Tauchurlaub dort lohnt sich sehr.

My documents: Hedi Tauchbasis.doc

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