Bali Boat Building

So the new boat is slowly taking shape. She’ll be pretty much identical to the Nasty Nemo, with a couple of modifications as suggested by you our Sea Rovers brethren.

As for the name. Well we’ll be posting up the finalist from the boat naming competition for you to like on our Facebook page sometime soon. So watch this page to vote.

Bali boat building 1

Still in the mold.

Bali Boat Building 2


Bali Boat Building 3

A place for cables

Bali Boat Building 4

A place for fuel

Bali Boat Building 5

Easier entry for the vertically challenged

Bali Boat Builder 6

Boat builder

Bali Boat Builder 7


Bali Boat Builder 8

More bits to add

For those of you in the market for a good quality, well planned dive boat, drop us an email at search our blog for Nasty Nemo, for images and video of the boat in action. We’ve been using this design for 2+ years and she’s spot on for any small dive centre. Our boat builder is of course keen to build more.The Captain


Dolphin Rescue in Pemuteran Bay

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Pemuteran fishermen cat two dolphins that accidentally swim into their nets while chasing fish. And though one died the other after much discussion and a bit of ear bending from the fishermens wife, Sea Rovers crew, other fishermen and the hotel staff. The other one is released into the bay to hopefully find its way home.

A happy ending for at least one of the pair. Lets flipper can find its way home.







Another couple seconds of fame

I honestly thought my 15 seconds of fame was up after the Underwater Temple Garden debacle. Now our very own Pemuteran and Menjangan Island  are winging there way across the world. Well at least a very nice article with mention of us and a quote from yours truly (see below). Is now, even as I type winging its way to exotic locales as yet unexplored by most of us.

“Even seasoned divers are often impressed by a dip into the shallow waters by the beach, says Paul Turley, owner of the Sea Rovers dive centre. “They emerge from the sea beaming from ear to ear, having just photographed a whole host of animals they’d previously seen only on National Geographic TV,”  he says.”

You can read the full article by travel writer and fellow Brethren Simon Pridmore through the links below:



Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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