I had this great idea of doing a weekly Throwback Thursday post, choosing images shot in the same week of a previous year. I found a file of images from 2009 and had several photos ready to post, but then realized that none of these critters are found here in NW Bali (I was living in Grand Cayman then).

So, I had to change my criteria and just picked photos from the past of things that could be found here. So, the photos in today’s post were shot in 2001 when I was on a liveaboard in Komodo. I’ve seen all of them this month on my dives with Sea Rovers.

Mantis shrimp, Indonesia, Underwater photo

Mantis shrimp poking out of its hole


Porcelain crab, anemone

Porcelain crab in its anemone


Tiger Cowrie, Komodo, Indonesia, Underwater photo

Usually you see just the tiger cowrie shell, but this one’s mantle is extended & it is feeding

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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