General News From The North West Bali Front

No big events. We officially became PT. Sea Rovers, as our licenses continues its meandering pace through the bureaucracy that constitutes any governments processes.

Mucky Pirates Bay, continues to show us its wonders. With the recent finding of Mandarinfish on the opposite side, this just adds more for us to show you.

Yellow Pygmy seahorses on Napoleon Reef an added attraction.

And after running for a couple of months now, we can now refine trip times for Menjangan to 20-30 mins at touring speed. Imaging how long it’d take if we really let rip. So the ‘Vicious Guppy’ lives up to her name. Garr!!!

Following trends in marketing we can officially declare ourselves an Eco-Friendly Dive Centre, we recycle our air 100%.
Ha Harr!

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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