New camera at Sea Rovers means new pics and some new critters (especially like the Ambon Scorpionfish, which needs to be renamed the Pemuteran Scorpionfish).
Thanks to the SubSea macro lens I can get closer to me little friends. Look for more on Facebook where you can find out what the Brethren are up to.
Some new Mucky Pirates Bay pics from the lovely Miss Giovanna Fasanelli. Thanks for them and for showing me stuff I haven’t seen before such as Acoel flatworms, which I didn’t even realise were worms till you made them move.
I really need to read more 🙂
Sea Squirt on the Jetty
Red Stripe Shrimp
Spot the Tiny Seahorse
Common pipefish
Mandarin fish
Another Mandarin fish 😉
White eyed Moray
& Finally the legendary upsidedown jellyfish crab
Again thanks for sharing a look forward to critter hunting with you again sometime soon.
Another day of cold water (25C brrr..) and mucky vis in Secret Bay with dive buddy Kimmy More. No Frogfish this time but I did get a classic sea snake picture as it headed for the surface to get a breathe of fresh air. Mmm maybe I should wash my wetsuit 🙂
All in all two very long and one very lost (due to lousy vis, honest:-)dives. With plenty of stuff to be seen.
The Captain Paul M Turley
Sea RoversMessage in e-bottleThe pirates who dive
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