Dolphin Rescue in Pemuteran Bay

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Pemuteran fishermen cat two dolphins that accidentally swim into their nets while chasing fish. And though one died the other after much discussion and a bit of ear bending from the fishermens wife, Sea Rovers crew, other fishermen and the hotel staff. The other one is released into the bay to hopefully find its way home.

A happy ending for at least one of the pair. Lets flipper can find its way home.







Captain In Da Hoodie, Yo

So here is the sample for a Piratical Sea Rovers Hoodie. Anyone interested?

I can also vouch for how warm you get wearing a fleece lined jacket at midday 8 degrees south of the equator. Who said models don’t work hard 🙂

New Jr OWD joins the Brethren

Hamish joins the Sea Rovers Brethren

New SSI Jr Open Water Diver

Captain Paul welcomes another diver joins the Brethren of the NW Bali coast.Young Master Hamish is now a full blown SSI Jr Open Water Diver. Welcome aboard Hamish, the world just became a bigger place to explore.

Bringin in the catch – Pemuteran Fishermen

Pemuteran is not all about great diving and snorkeling. There is a lot more to see and experience here. Traditional fishing continues here despite the increase of tourism. And if it wasn’t for the Nelayan (traditional fishing group) it would be very difficult for us to keep the less than traditional fishermen out. Its by working with a community that anything can be done for the environment.

Saltwater Crocs found in Pemuteran

Be careful of the Pemuteran wildlife

Mated pair of Saltwater Crocs

Pemuteran wildlife

Recently spotted basking in the shade of a coastal hibiscus on the beach in front of Sea Rovers were this obviously mated pair of Saltwater Crocs. Note the colouring which helps to differentiate between the male and female of the species.

The Captain 😛

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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