Nasty Nemo Powers Up
Happy Captain examines his baby’s new engines. Twin Evinrude 115hp Etec all white and shiny. “Lets hope they run as good as they look.” says I.
(*translation: Indonesian Scooter or Speda motor)
The Captain
Happy Captain examines his baby’s new engines. Twin Evinrude 115hp Etec all white and shiny. “Lets hope they run as good as they look.” says I.
The Captain
Engine problems with the Vicious Guppy brought a full contingent of professionals to Sea Rovers. First we complain to the dealer, then the dealer to the distributor, then the distributor to the regional offices. Then with enough complaints everybody comes to visit and help sort out the problem.
Left to right, Pak Henry (Daya Pioneer, Jakarta), Pak Tony (Bali Mercury, Bali), Yours Truly Captain Paul M Turley and me Partner Commodore Kerry Keene visiting from Oz, Pak John Koh (Evinrude, Regional Office, Singapore)
The Commodore looking slightly contemplative as the engines are put through their paces with the diagnostic software.
She may be a might poorly but she’ll survive to run many more dive trips to come. And though she be fibreglass, she has the mighty oaken heart of pirate ships of yore. Garr! Shiver me fibre!
The Captain
Yes its official. After months of work and waiting the ‘Cynical Seahorse’ hits the high seas.
Like her sister ship the ‘Vicious Guppy’ she’s small and neat. Fitting in with our Sea Rovers philosophy of small groups, personal service plus fun. More open plan than her sister and sporting twin Evinrude etec 40hp she’ll run 30knots with a light load. Not bad for getting you back to that afternoon massage after a lazy days diving.
The before picture; a decommissioned parasailing boat from the South of Bali in need of some TLC and remodeling
Below heading out with fellow pirate brethren Gwen & John for yet another Pemuteran dive.
And yet another days diving…. etc etc
And that be Divemaster Wayan in the foreground. Garr!
The Captain