Nasty Nemo Powers Up
Happy Captain examines his baby’s new engines. Twin Evinrude 115hp Etec all white and shiny. “Lets hope they run as good as they look.” says I.
Garr! They be mighty fine machines for a chasing down enemy vessels.
“Bloody hell! That things got more power than my *Chicken Killer.“
(*translation: Indonesian Scooter or Speda motor)
(*translation: Indonesian Scooter or Speda motor)
Almost ready to launch.
Bugger! But this things heavy.
I’ll just stand here, scratch my head and supervise. Left a bit. Right abit. Now lift….. There she goes. Boy watching you guys is making me tired.
A few more tweaks and a slight delay for a miss sent but vital part…. And she’ll be in the water and doing sea trials.
The Captain