by Kat Ramage | Jun 14, 2017 | The Brethrens Photos
Abdul, Marielle, Ditta, Wayan & Quintin are all smiles
Quintin and Marielle packed a lot of diving in a couple of days. They enjoyed the walls of Menjangan, the local reefs of Pemuteran and even fit in a night dive in Mucky Pirates Bay. Welcome to the Sea Rovers Brethren and hope to see you back here soon.
by Kat Ramage | Mar 28, 2017 | Secret Bay
Dive for Loot with Sea Rovers
Found some money on me dive at Secret Bay in Gillimanuk the other day–me first booty as one of the Brethren. Arrrrr!!
by Capt Paul | May 26, 2013 | Pirate Flags, Sea Rovers
Hoist the Jolly Diver Mateys
Bit of fun, got tired at looking at the old Sea Rovers desktop so thought I’d do something new.