Couple of late afternoon photo’s from Close Encounters reef in Pemuteran. Water was a bit hazy so lighting wasn’t so great. Still couple of nice pics.

Barrel Sponge, Reefscape, Close Encounters, Pemuteran, NW Bali, Sea Rovers Dive Centre

Barrel Sponge on Close Encounter more southern slope

Peter the Diver, photographing reefscape, Close Encounters, Pemuteran, NW Bali, Sea Rovers Dive Centre

Peter getting a photo (still waiting for some of Peter’s pics to post. Hint 😉

Oriental Sweetlips, Close Encounters, Pemuteran, NW Bali, Sea Rovers Dive Centre

Oriental Sweetlips posing for the camera

Reefscape, Close Encounters, Pemuteran, NW Bali, Sea Rovers Dive Centre

Milky water reefscape on the top of Close Encounters, Plenty of Sargent-majors around protecting their eggs.

Soft Coral, Close Encounters, Pemuteran, NW Bali, Sea Rovers Dive Centre

Soft coral, just liked the pattern.

The Captain
Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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