Farewell to the trainees of 2012

Every year we take on work placement trainees for 3/4 months. This year was no different with a couple of canny lads who worked well, worked hard and became part of the Sea Rovers crew.

Mr Edy and Mr Rosi, we raise our tankards of Rum to you and wish you well for the future.

Fare thee well to Trainees

Commodore Kerry made it over for a few week in September and October, Just in time to say farewell to our trainees. Three months hard labour aboard the good divebase Sea Rovers, Pemuteran.

Commodore, Captain and Crew toast farewell to the trainees

Slainte Mhath fellow Brethren

Ditta presents Budi with his certificate

Reception Wench and Kommissaris Ditta Presents Mr Putu Epot Budi Arsana with his certificate

Captain Paul, Jolly well done Mr Putu

Yours truly, Captain Paul presenting Mr Putu Mangku with his Certificate.

Commodore Kerry, Splendid job Mr Kadek

And last but by no means least our Commodore Kerry presents Mr Kadek Karsana with his certificate

We wish them well and success in their future careers, whatever they may be and who knows, as we expand perhaps you’ll see one of these faces again as our next Captain or Divemaster.

Good Luck Lads

The Captain

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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