Bubble coral with cleaner shrimp

Here’s a small bubble coral with a cleaner shrimp


Cleaner shrimp on bubble coral supermacro

Same shrimp with 10x adapter

On that first macro dive the other day, I also hoped to find a few subjects that would allow me to get close enough to use the Subsea 10x adapter. This shrimp and a couple of nudibranchs were cooperative as I tried to figure out just how close I needed to get to focus the lens (note–REAL close). I used this big lens on my previous camera system, but it was really awkward and inconvenient.  I had to take it out of my wetsuit pocket, screw it onto the port, shoot (assuming the subject was still there), and then stow it away again in my pocket when I was finished. My new system has the Nauticam flip adapter so I can just swing it into place when I want to use it–MUCH easier! I will definitely be using it a lot more in the future. Here are a few more comparisons:

Nudibranch (Phylidiella pustulosa)

Phylidiella nudibranch and tunicates

Phylidiella nudibranch supermacro

Same nudibranch with 10x adapter


Nudibranch (Glossodoris rufomarginata)

White-margined nudibranch crawling in the sand

Nudibranch (Glossodoris rufomarginata) supermacro

Same guy with 10X subsea adapter


I’ve been land-locked for the past few days with an annoyingly ill-timed head cold–Arrrrggggg!!! Hopefully I’ll be back in the water soon capturing memories of Sea Rovers Pirates and visiting Brethren enjoying their dives, as well as shooting images of the amazing undersea life from Menjangan and Pemuteran Bay. Stay tuned…

Sea Rovers Message in e-bottle The pirates who dive
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